At first, your dentist will have to carry out some necessary examinations to determine the severity of your condition and draw up a plan of treatment. In severe cases, this might be as frequently as every 3 months. However, although you will be able to eradicate the infection, you may not be able to regain the bone that was lost. This is why it's important to catch it in its early stages and prevent it from moving on to periodontitis. But i forgot a lot of what they were saying about what happens “after.” They said something about being fixed in a few years and i was so anxious i dont remember what that was relating to. ----- Our mission is to create educational content. Periodontitis can be stopped if caught and treated early enough. Signs that you may have periodontitis include puffy, bleeding gums that feel tender when touched. Unless they’re treated, they keep getting deeper, and that’s what causes … Your diagnosis might be right in that the retainer is causing the gum recession, but usually the gum recession is caused by the orthodontic treatment that has aligned your teeth such a way that they are susceptible to gum recession. One of the often forgotten things is that a healthy diet is also part of the process to reverse periodontal disease. I have a couple of points that I need to be made about your communication to me. Yes, periodontal disease can be reversed but It depends on how far the disease has progressed. One final question. So to get your teeth and gums professionally cleaned as soon as possible to sort out the problem. Required fields are marked *. To prevent gingivitis (or inflammation of the gums) from recurring, the patient should practice good oral hygiene by brushing, including regular flossing and brushing between the teeth with special little brushes. BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Periodontitis may promote harmful systemic effects such as changes in hepatic tissues. What Age Do Most Adults Start Losing Their Teeth? Over time, if they are not removed, disease-causing bacteria start to attach themselves to the plaque. What you probably need most at this stage is to get some professional help from either a periodontist like myself, or a dentist who can advise you how best to prevent the receding gums and the looseness from getting worse with time. Periodontitis has been reported to affect more than 700 million people worldwide with adult individuals more at risks of losing their teeth as a result of the condition Periodontitis occurs when gingivitis is left to develop unchecked. You can check here to see – the cost of implants, how it’s done, the true meaning and side effects of dental implants. The first thing to know is that there are two types of gum disease: gingivitis and periodontitis. Periodontal disease starts when plaque and bacteria accumulate on the teeth of dogs and cats. Fortunately, if you are already at this advanced point, your dentist can still give you options to help treat your periodontitis and preserve as much of your original smile as possible. In addition to the personal care of the gums, one will likely need professional periodontal disease treatment as well. I’m sorry but I cannot be more specific than this unless I had the chance to see your mouth and assess the problem. With early intervention and treatment, periodontal disease is indeed reversible. A periodontal disease expert can remove the accumulation of plaque along the gum line by scraping it away. Most people who experience gingivitis do not feel any pain, but their gums may be red or swollen and may bleed after brushing and flossing. Smokers should quit their bad habit if they are concerned about their oral health as well as their general wellness. Gingivitis and Periodontitis are both types of Periodontal disease or Gum disease. I need help on how to reverse it because I refuse to have loose teeth anymore. In my previous article, I explained more on th… Regular brushing and consumption of certain foods can not save you when the gum disease has progressed, and you are already loosing your teeth, bone plus the supporting tissues. Halitosis, also known as bad breath – What are the causes and how is it treated? During the procedure, the dentist makes use of specialized dental cleaning instruments or ultrasonic technology to remove plaque and tartar that are causing the infection below the gum line. Firstly you need to have your teeth and most importantly the roots of your teeth cleaned. If the disease is left untreated, it … Thank you. Reversing gingivitis is entirely possible. Dent, FHEA, CUEW, London Periodontal treatment, advice and training. Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums and is reversible with professional dental care and improved dental hygiene. It is generally reversible with treatment. What is a problem is that if you have gum disease, you need to know how severe it is now and after treatment. While you can get rid of plaque by brushing and flossing, you need your teeth professionally cleaned to remove tartar. Alcohol is used in mouthwashes to dissolve substances that cannot be dissolved in water, so the alcohol is not free alcohol because it is combined chemically into the mouthwash. Hi Dr. Is There a Cure for Aggressive Periodontitis. I have promised now to brush twice a day and use interdental sticks twice a day and use a mouth wash as per her suggestion. Detecting and treating periodontal disease in its early stages is crucial to prevent spread of infections, extreme gums recession, bone deterioration and teeth loss. Periodontal disease is a chronic, non-curable bacterial infection, with the damage to perio tissue being caused by the body’s immuno-inflammatory response to the perio pathogens. Gum disease is a sneaky, progressive disease, and here's why: The first stage, called gingivitis, occurs when bacterial plaque is not thoroughly removed from your teeth. They may suggest a deep cleaning. Grafting covers up the exposed roots of the teeth. and periodontitis. She advised dental scaling and polishing 4 times a year. It’s always advisable not to allow periodontal disease to progress into advanced periodontitis. Am I right or is my thinking wrong? After your periodontal disease treatment, it is vital that you maintain good dental care to avoid further damage and inflammation. Where you have pockets of infection underneath your gums, sterilising all of the accumulated debris in them like dental plaque, food debris and tartar is a waste of time and effort. According to studies, people within the age of 30 and above are more likely to have dental problems, including gums infection. CLICK HERE now. In many cases, contacting the right periodontal expert will mean that he or she can treat your teeth with without the need for surgery. Dr Galgut is one of the UK’s leading periodontists. All of the research that has been published shows that they are not as good as scaling so they are in fact no more than expensive high-tech junk. You should not go to the dentist very regularly to ensure that is the condition starts to recur that it’s not in the bed before it can do any further damage. If you haven’t then this dentist can hardly be blamed for the problem that you have, and if you have been seeing other dentists before this one you need to be looking at all the previous dentists that you have seen to establish why you have this problem. If you don’t clean your teeth and you allow food to build up and turn into dental plaque and it gets in under the gums then the condition can start up again very quickly. After scaling and deep cleaning, do i just keep up good dental hygiene and it’ll go away? Periodontitis (per-e-o-don-TIE-tis) is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue and destroys the bone that supports your teeth. Inflamed, red and bleeding gums are common signs of periodontal disease. What Causes Periodontitis? Sometimes dentists also put some antibiotics under the gums when they have finished the cleaning to get any bacteria that may have escaped the cleaning process, but I personally very seldom use these antibiotics because I find that healing usually occurs without the need for them. Check out our #1 Recommended 60 Seconds Dental Remedy To Rebuild Your Teeth and Gums And Get Rid of Any Dental Problems within a WEEK. I don’t want my teeth to fall out on my 23rd birthday so any help would be amazing. This is very scary stuff and I’m sure when you first heard about it and had the treatment done you panicked a bit and didn’t take in very much of what you were told. In addition a good antibacterial mouthwash can provide protection against plaque and gingivitis. What is the relationship between the junctional epithelium and the cemento-enamel junction in periodontitis? I have periodontitis thanks to this permanent retainer. Although the progression is slow, but once the disease has progressed to the point where bone and the surrounding supporting tissues are being destroyed, reversing the disease becomes a different story. Moreover, reversing periodontitis may require costly approach depending on the the severity of the damages. Did you recently get a cleaning? The World Health Organization (WHO) recognises severe periodontitis as the 6th most prevalent disease of people globally. Most people have to go to the dentist /hygienist every six months to manage this condition come on but if it is active, you may need to go as frequently as every 3 months especially during active matches to make sure that the condition doesn’t get going again. If you have a trash can full of rubbish, you can sterilise the trash can and all you get is sterilised rubbish. Getting rid of all of the of irritating and infecting material that has accumulated underneath your gums will allow the gums to heal, and it is your job how to clean your teeth so well and so effectively that you prevent it from getting back in there again, supplemented with a professional top-up of cleaning or deep cleaning at regular intervals to prevent it from getting back in there again. But that is only the beginning of the story. In addition, your periodontist will prescribe an antibiotic to limit the infection. To fight gingivitis, you should cut smoking and chewing tobacco, and work diligently to brush and floss daily to protect your teeth. May I suggest that you go to the website of the General Dental Council and there you will find a listing of dentists, and specialists. Inflammation has already breached the gum line. So, if the person whom you are going to see does not start off doing this, then you must insist on having these chartings and xray pictures done so that you have the baseline data before any treatment is carried out. The main aim of the procedure is to create a suitable environment, which allows the gum tissues to heal and to reattach to the teeth. Periodontitis is very common, and is widely regarded as the second most common dental disease worldwide, after dental decay, and in the United States has a prevalence of 30–50% of the population, but only about 10% have severe forms. It is a more standard cleaning procedure, that is done usually under local anesthetic to remove tartar and plaque beneath the gum line. These procedures may seem extreme but can help save your original teeth and reverse the signs and symptoms of the disease. Thanks! I’m having a nervous breakdown – I had no idea about this disease and I can’t understand why he only told me after I’d been his patient for a year. Nevertheless it is important that you take this matter seriously and that you see your orthodontist for an opinion on the gum recession, as well as your dentist, and possibly ask to be referred to a periodontist, or someone with special expertise in gum conditions just to make sure that the condition is not going to progress to the nightmare scenario that you describe. Gum Disease: Electric toothbrushes VS standard toothbrushes. Once you reach this advanced point, your gum disease is likely irreversible and is probably now periodontitis. If periodontal disease is detected and treated in its early stages, this disease can be reversed. Researchers have reported that the progression of periodontal disease can lead to other serious health problems such as heart diseases, respiratory diseases, lowered immunity and many others. The infection from the affected gums can easily spread, targeting the immune system and other vital organs such as the heart and lungs. Your email address will not be published. With periodontitis, you develop pockets that fill with plaque, tartar, and bacteria. During this year he has never suggested routine visits, cleaning or anything. Brushing with soft-bristled toothbrush and the use of antibacterial mouthwash for at least twice a day can help to get rid of gingivitis-causing bacteria. Periodontal Scaling: periodontal scaling is more extensive, deep professional cleaning procedure. Yes, I understand! Surgery: if the damages and deep pockets of infection still persist after periodontal scaling and planning, corrective surgical treatment may be needed. Periodontitis – if left untreated, gingivitis can develop into this more serious condition which can cause irreversible damage. Dental Issues. Using a mouthwash simply doesn’t do this cleaning and it is up to you brush your teeth properly and carefully twice a day your mouth clean. The major difference between the two is that gingivitis is reversible, while periodontitis is not. If you would like to talk to a periodontal disease expert or if you would like your dentist to refer you to a periodontal specialist, please get in touch here The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the steatosis and oxidative stress caused by experimental periodontitis are reversible in the liver. 2. The answer is that you have to clean your teeth everywhere very well, including in between your teeth to minimise the amount of debris around that can cause the infection, so that when you go to your dentist only a minimal amount build-up of debris has got in under the gums and he/she can then remove that. In summary, Periodontitis is a condition that can be reversed and prevented through proper dental care and regular monitoring by your hygienist and periodontist to sustain the health of the gums. There are also other surgical treatment methods that are designed to correct defects through reshaping or by regenerating new, healthy bone and gums. He runs his private practice clinic in North London. Is periodontitis reversible or irreversible? Periodontal disease is termed periodontitis, when gingivitis has progressed to the more severe condition. Once gingivitis has developed into the more advanced stages of Periodontitis, or advanced gum disease, this requires more complex treatments by a periodontal disease expert. Is periodontitis reversible? Severe gum disease can result in so many complications such as pain, gum recession, loose teeth, bone loss, teeth loss and spread of infections. You can learn more about Dr Peter Galgut and his work here – About Dr Galgut. Aside from smoking-related symptoms such as bad breath and an unpleasant coating on the tongue, smoking increases the risk of gum disease because it damages gum tissues and promote inflammation. The loss of support structures (including bone) around teeth is usually a permanent feature. The toxins that are produced by plaque build up can begin to affect the bone under the gum tissue if left untreated, and this is what makes it important to treat early stage gum disease. And I do have a small amount of bone loss, my dentist said don’t worry about it. Aggressive periodontitis: It is marked by a rapid onset of bone destruction and tooth attachment loss and usually affects young people. I immediately stopped smoking – a week later I went back to see him, he seemed puzzled about why I was there. Of course if there is no one in your area and you are prepared to travel, there are periodontists in other parts of the country, and it goes without saying that I would be delighted to see you and help you to resolve this problem for you if you can come and visit me in north-west London. A surgical procedure called flap surgery or pocket reduction is done to remove the bacteria beneath the gums. Gingivitis being the earliest stage of periodontal disease is caused by build-up of bacterial plaque and tartar on the surface of teeth and at the gum line. tissue, without loss of attachment, is a mild and reversible condition. Root planing: root planing involves smoothening of the root surfaces. Your gums can shrink as they’re healing from inflammation, however. Treatment is typically very successful. There are many reasons why teeth need to be removed, and one of them is that they break because people who are very tense and cannot relax easily tend to clench their teeth and eventually break them. The good news is that it is massively unlikely that your teeth fall out by the time you’re 23, and in fact they will probably be around for a long time after that. Plastic and … A periodontal disease expert can also perform surgery to treat deeper pockets of infection. If this applies to you you may need to see somebody to help you to break this bruxing habit. Is Too Much Sport and Exercise Giving You Gum Disease? But I have a feeling these wont work because surely if I have developed deep pockets, none of these measures (except going to the dentist for a good deep clean) will be able to get in them. Eating the right food can help you maintain healthy gums. There’s no point now. Periodontal diseases, also known as gum disease is quite progressive. But the good news is that if you look after your teeth by cleaning them as well as you can and keeping in touch with your dental team regularly, you will probably keep your teeth for the rest of your life without much damage to them. Very dramatic, but bear in mind that advanced .periodontal disease takes 15 to 20 years to develop, the question to me is what about all the dentists that you saw before this one? These bacteria tend to create toxins that damages or irritates the gums tissues. If they cannot, or will not do this, you need to find someone else who can manage the condition for you. I’m confused, should I have been given antibiotics? Although the progression is slow, but once the disease has progressed to the point where bone and the surrounding supporting tissues are being destroyed, reversing the disease becomes a different story. So if you have a few bad periods in a row, or you get pregnant, it will certainly set off an active patch of gum problems, so you need to make sure that you keep in touch with your dentist even more regularly, particularly if you notice that your gums are getting a bit red and bleeding at times like this. In severe cases, a permanent disfigurement (such as gum recession and elongation of teeth) remains and the patient has to accept these limitations. Gingivitis is a mild form of Periodontal disease that causes irritation, redness & swelling (inflammation) of your gingiva/gums where the inflammatory process is limited to the gingival epithelium and connective tissue. So, here are some of the ways to reverse gingivitis: 1. The good news is that it is highly unlikely that you will lose your teeth by the age of 23, but you really must get some professional help in preserving what you’ve got for as long as possible by an appropriate dental professional as soon as possible. Causes of Periodontitis. Is the periodontitis fixed with the scaling or do i meed to keep coming back for treatments? In summary, Periodontitis is a condition that can be reversed and prevented through proper dental care and regular monitoring by your hygienist and periodontist to sustain the health of the gums. Sometimes, if some teeth are  missing already, dental implants is used as replacements to teeth roots, providing a base for removable or permanent artificial teeth. along with gingivitis. Your last question:- what I think of lasers? Mild periodontitis treatment involves professional teeth and gums cleaning by the dentist or the dental hygienist and an adequate daily oral care at home. Make sure you see your dentist as soon as possible. This professional cleaning is done using special dental instruments and ultrasonic devices. Also, if you can keep your mouth absolutely debris and plaque-free, it gives the tissues a chance to heal even though you can’t get into the pockets and if you’re lucky, you may find the condition slowly reverses itself in many, and if you’re very lucky, in all of the affected sites in your mouth. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 50 percent of individuals in the United States who are over 30 years of age have periodontal disease (with 9 percent of them having severe periodontitis). At home, one must follow a stringent home oral hygiene routine to defend your gums and teeth against the daily onslaught of bacteria. I have a gun disease and am wondering if strong mouth wAsh with alcohol would help or hurt my gums? In my previous article, I explained more on the symptoms of each of these stages using pictures. So let me give you a little summary of periodontal disease and how to manage it. In addition, it’s helpful to know the signs and symptoms of the stages of periodontal disease. However, before you know how to treat this oral health condition, you must first know what you are facing. There is a school of thought that gingivitis is not reversible but rather, similar to periodontitis, controllable. How to fix + whiten a discolored tooth (steps), Chipped tooth discoloration: Reasons & Best Treatments, Yellow Teeth Stains: Causes + Best Treatment & Remedies, Tooth discoloration after trauma, Reasons & Treatments, 9 Tooth Discoloration Causes + Sure Prevention Guide. However, early periodontalitis can be treated with a minimally-invasive deep cleaning procedure. How is this managed? He only told me then because I asked about an implant for a cracked tooth. The main four stages of periodontal disease. You may also notice chronic bad breath that doesn’t go away and pus between teeth and gums. Let me explain it to you in this way. The way to prevent the problem from recurring, once you have had the pockets of infection eliminated by seeing a dentist/hygienist or a specialist dentist (periodontist) is to prevent the debris from accumulating again by cleaning your teeth properly and carefully and not missing out any places in your mouth. Here, we designed and formulated a thermo-reversible polyisocyanopeptide hydrogel delivery system incorporating doxycycline and/or lipoxin A 4, which possessed very low polymer concentration resulting in good injectability and biocompatibility. Dr Peter Galgut  Clinical Periodontist PhD MPhil (Lond), MSc (Lond), BDS (Rand), FDS, MRD. What is the probing depth of periodontitis? I’ve been seeing my dentist for a year – at this last appointment he informed me I’ve got bad periodontal disease and that I’m definitely going to lose all my teeth. Local anaesthesia is used because it would be painful without it. 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